Review: The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf

ashalaTitle: The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf (The Tribe #1)
Author: Ambelin Kwaymullina
Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction
Pages: 384
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Review copy: the lovely library
Availability: April 8th 2014 in the USA, July 2012 in Australia

Summary: The Reckoning destroyed civilisation. Rising from the ashes, some people have developed unique abilities, and society is scared of them. Guided by the ancient spirits of the land, Ashala Wolf will do anything to keep them safe.

When Ashala is captured, she realises she has been betrayed by someone she trusted. When her interrogator starts digging in her memories for information, she doubts she can protect her people forever. Will the Tribe survive the interrogation of Ashala Wolf? [Image and summary via Goodreads]

Review: True to its title, Ashala Wolf is a captive of a detention center that holds Illegals like her — people with abilities such as changing the weather, causing earthquakes, starting fires, and healing. After the Reckoning that destroyed the environment and civilization, a new civilization arose — one that attempts to maintain the Balance to prevent yet another Reckoning. In the name of maintaining the Balance, the government tests, targets, and captures children with certain abilities. As leader of a tribe of young Illegals, Ashala Wolf is determined to save her tribe and survive her interrogation.

Reading The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, I almost forgot it was about a dystopian future. The detention centers, the illegal status of certain people, and the political machinations reminded me of current issues — illegal immigration, deportation, discrimination and so on. It was a harsh reminded that fiction holds up a mirror to life. Dystopias are not such a stretch, when you take a good hard look at injustices today.

The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf is a breath of fresh air in YA dystopia land. Instead of the usual white-girl-vs-the-government, The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf is casually populated with people of all skin tones. The mentions of nature, such as the Tuart forests, and the Saurs, add dimension to the setting. And the worldbuilding is strong and believable, with just the right hint of the ancient and supernatural to get things going.

While The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf relies heavily on flashbacks to tell the story, it actually works — I read straight through the whole book in one sitting. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for the sequel.

Recommendation: Buy it now!

And the author Ambelin Kwaymullina addressing whitewashed covers